27 juillet 2007

CPH students...

You know you're a CPH exchange student when...

- your attendance at school or faculty events depends on the availability of free food or beer

- you stay up past 5 AM to avoid paying night fares on the metro
- you've lived in copenhagen for up to seven months and still don't know a word of Danish
- you've lived in copenhagen for up to seven months and still haven’t made a Danish friend
- you know how to open a beer bottle with: a fork, a lighter, another bottle and a folded up piece of paper
- during the winter months, you'd never see the sun if you slept in past 3
- you can't pronounce half the street names in the city
- you’ve biked home drunk
- you’ve biked home in the pouring rain
- you've biked home on a flat tire
- you've biked home on someone else's rat trap
- you’ve done the above four at the same time
- you've stolen a bike and then had it stolen from you
- you get excited when you look outside and its not raining
- you pay four times more for everything than you would back home
- you thought the trip to and from oslo was more fun than the city itself
- you faithfully spend your Wednesdays at the Studenthouse and your Fridays at CSS
- you end up at LA bar every week after Studenthouse even though you hate it
- you get excited when someone plays Nik og Jay
- you’ve seen a riot or burning car
- you go drinking more nights per week than you have classes
- you now have friends in half the countries of the world
- you know that beer costs less than water at the Netto
- you and your friends got perfect attendance for the culture course even though you were only there half the time
- you’ve gotten caught by the police for not having bike lights

Ya pas mal de vrai là dedans il faut le dire ;-)!!

23 juillet 2007

Ca fait maintenant 3 semaines que je suis rentrée du Danemark, ça fait trop plaisir de revoir tt le monde et de profiter de l'été à Gre même si le soleil a mis du temps à se montrer!!

Au programme de mes ptites vacances, tennis (ça manquait un peu!), soirées avec les amis, week-end sportif à Biançon avec Aurélie, piscine... Bref pas trop le temps de m'ennuyer!
Il me reste seulement 1 semaine de vacances avant de commencer mon stage à Gammino...

Vous me manquez qd même mes ptits erasmus, j'espère que tout va bien pour vous.
Pour les beauvaisiens si on se revoit pas avant je serai à Beauvais mi septembre avant ma rentrée à Nancy!! J'ai hâte de vous revoir!!
Et mes grenoblois vivement la prochaine chez Aurél et Martin ;-)
Gros bisous!